What awaits us in the next episode of Kurulus Osman Bolum 78?
Mikhail Koses will be affected by Osman Bey's behavior and will become one of his closest friends.
We expect to see Cerkutay and Aygul wedding in the new episode Kurulus Osman Episode 78.
Konur Alp's seeing the real face of Vizier Alemshah and what he had done to Sheikh Edebali will cause Konur Alp to change sides .
Gundus Bey will regret what he has done against Osman.
Especially after what was done to our Sheikh, Gundus Bey would be very angry with him because he trusted him against the Byzantine tekfur.
The number of Osman Ghazi's soldiers has increased in Kurulus Osman. Such as Goktog, Boran, Jerkotai, Bai Singer Saltuk, Ganja and Tora Khan Alp etc. While only one of these characters is real.
You answer us or we will answer in another way.
Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 78 In Urdu English
Mehmet Bozdag was criticized when the audience was one of the real and the other fictional, so he started casting real characters, such as Connor Alp, who is still in the opposition but soon became Osman's ally. Will go And so does Mikhail Kosess. And also the role of Turgat.
Now the thing is that in a cluster of so many characters the real character doesn't get a good screen time so some of these characters will be eliminated in season three ... like Goktog ...
Kurulus Osman Season 3 episode 78
While Osman Bey, who has held Vizier Alemşah in Bilecik Castle, falls into an unexpected trap, Tekfur Kosses falls into the hands of Tekfur Nikola. Osman Bey and his mounts are captured and vanquished to severe torture. Vizier Alemşah decides to kill Osman Bey and his mounts as soon as possible! Vizier Alemşah is in a delicate situation to turn this moment into a great show and ties a rope around Osman Bey's neck to the gallows erected in Bilecik Castle!
Now the question arises, how will the return of Geyhatu and Mongols change the balance? How will Geyhatu and Osman Bay face each other? How will Osman Bey reply to Geyhatu's execution of Altug Alp? What will Gunduz Bey want from Vizier Alemşah, who decided to kill his family? How will Tekfur Nikola ask Kosses to regard? Malhun Hatun, Bala Hatun and Kayılar; How will he reply to the internee of his masters?.
The idea came about because they were both Mongols first and then converted to Islam. So it may be that Gehato will take revenge on them, or maybe Boran Alp will be martyred and will be replaced by Connor Alp. Which of the many soldiers of Osman Ghazi has actually been his close associate? Even Osman Ghazi left the running of his government to him while going to war, so his name is (SalTuk Alp)
Kurulus Osman Episode 78 Season 3 Episode 14 In Urdu English
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