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Watch Kurulus Osman Episode 84 Season 3 Urdu English Subtitles


Kurulus Osman Episode 84

My Alps are not behind me, they are obviously in the hands of the Vizier.

You know, Cerkutay wouldn't die?

What will happen in the Kurulus Osman Episode 84 ?

How will Osman Bey save Bala Hatun, Malhun Hatun and Selcan Ana?

First of all, don't worry, kurulus osman season 3 episode 84 Bala Hatun, Malhun Hatun and Selcan Ana will get rid of Vizier Alemshah's hand without being injured.

So rest assured they won't be in a bad situation. Osman Bey will start preparations immediately.

However, as Vizier Alemshah is a clever enemy, he will take the women to a secret place. Osman Bey could also get the news of where the women were taken from Alaca Hatun. So most likely, Alaca Hatun, Vizier Alemshah will follow them while they come to the camp and take them away.

Then they will save Osman Bey and the women. In fact, there is a possibility that Alaca Hatun can be helped by Konur Alp.

The fact that the vizier Alemshah forcibly captured Bala Hatun, who was about to give birth, Mother Selcan, even Malhun Hatun with her baby in her arms, took them from Oba and took them captive, is a confirmation that the end of Alemshah has come. From here there is no going back, in my estimation.

Watch kurulus osman episode 84 urdu English subtitles

Alemshah, whose credit has already run out, officially called his death with this last move.

Alemshah, who received the news that Osman Bey came to the camp and gathered the Beys and made a Toy, will come with a large unit to retaliate and take the Hatuns captive.

Güngör Bey was not in the camp at that time, from the fact that he told Osman Bey that he had captured the Hatuns while telling him the situation.

If the Vizier still lives and continues his treachery after these events, Osman Bey's reputation in the whole Anatolian Geography will be destroyed, let alone.

Towards the end of the next episode, Osman Bey will capture Vizier Alemshah with his plan and in the first scene of the next episode, he will take the head of Vizier Alemshah in the word Square.

As I said, after this incident, Alemshah's living longer will destroy Osman Bey's reputation, and we will see Alemshah in 2 more episodes, the next enemy is Güngör Bey 84 episode of kurulus osman.

The inclusion of a strong enemy like Güngör in the series is proof that Alemshaah 's role is over as per the scenario, after that, we will watch the conflict between Güngör and Osman Bey for a while. As if every move he made against Vizier Alemshah Osman Bey was not enough, he started to suspect that there was a spy around him because Osman Bey made a counter move to his moves.

Two people are around the vizier and know everything, one of them is Celali. the other is Konur Alp. Vazier Alamshah had already started to focus his suspicions on Konur Alp, as Konuralp had been questioning everything lately. We experienced the biggest example of this in the last episode. When Güngör Bey's man brought news to Vizier Alemshah, the Vizier had taken Konuralp out of the room. The Vizier, who would never leave his close bodyguard.

Konuralp by his side, showed that he was suspicious of Konuralp with this move.

The Vizier The next chapter kurulus osman episode 84 will deceive him with a piece of false information he will give to Konuralp, probably throw him into a dungeon, and will try to set a trap for Osman Bey over Konuralp, apart from the Hatuns. If you have already paid attention to the 84th Episode trailer, we see that Konuralp is not behind in the frames where Vizier Alemshah appears.

The Vizier, who raided Kayi Obas in a normal time, would take his most trusted man, Konuralp, with him to protect himself, but Konuralp does not appear next to or around the Vizier in any scene, which means that Konuralp had a situation.

Alemshah continues to set up games within the game. So what will happen in the new episode Kurulus Osman episode 84? Will Cerkutay die? Will Bala Hatun's baby survive? 

In the last episode, Osman Bey and the Alps, who were stuck in the blockade of Gungor Bey and Vizier Alemshah, may have dispersed into the forest, probably to lose their traces, but unfortunately, the Alps, many of whom were already injured, could not escape from Alemshah's hand and were captured. Cerkutay, who has a web of wounds, is getting worse, most importantly, Cerkutay is a character who adds color to the series and can make everyone laugh.

Watch Kurulus Osman Episode 84 Season 3 Urdu English Subtitles

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